Read with Me Page 18
Denise, Anika, 33
DePalma, Mary Newell, 130–31
Dewdney, Anna, 39–40
Diakité, Penda, 90
Dig Dig Digging, 9
Digger Man, 17
Dino-Baseball, 99
Dinosaur Dinosaur, 99
Dinosaur vs. the Potty, 17–18
Dinothesaurus: Prehistoric Poems and Paintings, 128
Dog and Bear: Two Friends, Three Stories, 70–71
The Dog Who Belonged to No One, 71
Dogs, 128
The Dollhouse Fairy, 111
Don’t Want to Go!, 18
Don’t You Feel Well, Sam?, 18
Dorros, Arthur, 57–58
The Dot, 35
Dotlich, Rebecca Kai, 148
Down, Down, Down: A Journey to the Bottom of the Sea, 128–29
Dragon Dancing, 99
A Drive in the Country, 54
Drum City, 99–100
Duck Tents, 18
Ducks Go Vroom, 145
Dunrea, Olivier, 10, 61
Durango, Julia, 20
Easy as Pie, 100
Edwin Speaks Up, 35–36
Egan, Tim, 75
Ehlert, Lois, 134–35
Elephant Dance, 88
Elephants of Africa, 129
Ella Sarah Gets Dressed, 18–19
Ellery, Amanda, 114
Ernst, Lisa Campbell, 132–33
Esbaum, Jill, 107
Evans, Kristina, 47
Evans, Shane W., 66
Every Friday, 54
Everything I Need to Know Before I’m Five, 19
Fabulous Fishes, 129
Faith, 36
Falconer, Ian, 13
Farm, 81
Fiesta Babies, 19
Firehouse!, 81
First Day, 81
First Snow, 19
First the Egg, 129–30, 130
Fish and Frog, 147
Fisher, Valorie, 19
Five Little Monkeys Play Hide and Seek, 100
Flatharta, Antoine Ó, 133
Fleischman, Paul, 118
Fleming, Candace, 98
Fleming, Denise, 27, 33, 34
Fletcher, Ralph, 117
Flora’s Very Windy Day, 111
Florian, Douglas, 128
Flotsam, 111–12, 112
Foley, Greg, 120–21
Follow the Leader, 100
Follow the Line to School, 82
For You Are a Kenyan Child, 89
Ford, Bernette, 19
Ford, Christine, 92
14 Cows for America, 85
Fox, 36–27
Fox, Karen C., 137
Fox, Mem, 15, 30
Franco, Betsy, 126–27, 141–42
Frank, John, 101
Franklin’s Big Dreams, 112–13
Frazee, Marla, 98, 106, 119
French, Vivian, 141
A Friend, 71
Fucile, Tony, 102
Gay, Marie-Louise, 33
Gerber, Carole, 141
Gershator, Phillis, 30
Gibbons, Gail, 129
Ginger and Petunia, 113
Gleeson, Libby, 71
Global Babies, 9–10
Global Fund for Children, 9–10
Go! Go! BoBo Colors, 10
Goal!, 89
The Gobble Gobble Moooooo Tractor Book, 19–20
Go-Go Gorillas, 20
Gold, August, 46
The Gold Miner’s Daughter: A Melodramatic Fairy Tale, 113
A Good Day, 10
A Good Night Walk, 82
Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site, 82
Gossie’s Busy Day: A First Tab Book, 10
Graham, Bob, 25–26, 109, 133
The Grand Old Tree, 130–31
Grandma Calls Me Beautiful, 54–55
Grandma Comes to Stay, 89
Grant, Judyann Ackerman, 145
Gravett, Emily, 43, 128
The Great Big Book of Families, 55
The Great Fuzz Frenzy, 113
Grey, Mini, 76–77, 108
Guess What Is Growing Inside This Egg, 131
Guidone, Thea, 99–100
Guji Guji, 55
Gus Gets Scared, 147
Hall, Michael, 116–17
Half a World Away, 71
Hamilton, Kersten, 27
Happy Birthday, Jamela!, 89–90
Harper, Charise Mericle, 78
Harrington, Janice N., 98
Harris, Robie H., 48–49, 116
Harry & Hopper, 36
Hartland, Jessie, 82–83
Hayes, Geoffrey, 144
Heide, Florence Parry, 117
Heine, Theresa, 88
Heller, Janet Ruth, 114
Hello, Bumblebee Bat, 131
Hello, Day!, 20
The Hello, Goodbye Window, 55–56
Henderson, Kathy, 12
Henkes, Kevin, 10, 13, 17, 22–23, 47–48, 116, 136
Henry’s First-Moon Birthday, 56, 57
Hest, Amy, 18, 71
Higher! Higher!, 11
Hills, Tad, 15
Hines, Anna Grossnickle, 16
Hip-Pocket Papa, 131–32
Hoffman, Mary, 55
Holland, Trish, 92
Hook, 132
Hopkins, Jackie Mims, 113
Hopkinson, Deborah, 84
Horace and Morris Say Cheese (Which Makes Dolores Sneeze!), 72
Horrocks, Anita, 62
Horse, Harry, 22
Hot Rod Hamster, 101
The House in the Night, 113–14
How Do You Wokka-Wokka?, 101
How Groundhog’s Garden Grew, 132
How Many Baby Pandas?, 133
How the Dinosaur Got to the Museum, 82–83
How the Moon Regained Her Shape, 114
How Things Work in the Yard, 132–33
How to Be a Baby…by Me, the Big Sister, 56
How to Catch a Fish, 101
How to Heal a Broken Wing, 133
How to Make a Cherry Pie and See the U.S.A., 83
Howe, James, 72
Hudson, Cheryl Willis, 80–81
Hughes, Catherine D., 135–36
Hughes, Shirley, 18
Hurd, Thacher, 120
Hurry and the Monarch, 133
Hurry! Hurry!, 20
Hurry Up and Slow Down, 72
I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More!, 101–2
I Can Be Anything!, 37
I Go Potty!, 11
I Lost My Tooth in Africa, 90
I Love Saturdays y domingos, 56
I Repeat, Don’t Cheat!, 72
I Took the Moon for a Walk, 114
Ichikawa, Satomi, 21, 88, 91–92
If I Had a Dragon, 114
I’ll Be There, 37, 38
I’m Adopted!, 21
I’m Bad!, 115
I’m Getting a Checkup, 37
I’m the Best, 21
Imagine Harry, 73
In the Trees, Honey Bees, 134
Insect Detective, 134
Isadora, Rachel, 13–14
An Island Grows, 134
It’s a Secret!, 115
Itty Bitty, 115
Ives, Penny, 34–35
Jaeggi, Yoshiko, 91, 91
James, Simon, 22, 31–32
Janovitz, Marilyn, 8
Jarrett, Clare, 125–26
Javaherbin, Mina, 89
Jazzmatazz!, 102
Jenkins, Emily, 48, 64–65
Jenkins, Steve, 123–24, 128–29, 138, 140
Jibberwillies at Night, 38
Jocelyn, Marthe, 14
Johnson, Angela, 40, 111
Johnston, Tony, 59–60
Joosse, Barbara M., 54–55, 63–64
Jumpy Jack & Googily, 38–39
Juster, Norton, 55–56, 74
Kami and the Yaks, 90
Karas, G. Brian
, 85, 121
Kasza, Keiko, 44
Katy Did It!, 39
Katz, Karen, 12, 15
Kelly, Sheila M., 21, 58
Kerley, Barbara, 93
Khan, Rukhsana, 52–53
A Kitten Tale, 21
Klise, Kate, 73
Knudsen, Michelle, 83, 147
Knuffle Bunny Free: An Unexpected Diversion, 39
Kohuth, Jane, 145
Krebs, Laurie, 126
La La Rose, 21
Lakin, Patricia, 97–98
Leaf Man, 134–35
Leaves, 135
Lehman, Barbara, 116
Lester, Helen, 96, 97, 107
Let’s Do Nothing!, 102
Levine, Arthur A., 59
Lewis, Kevin, 99
Lewis, Paeony, 25
Library Lion, 83
Lies, Brian, 96, 97
Lin, Grace, 39
Ling & Ting: Not Exactly the Same!, 39
Lipp, Frederick, 88
Little Blue Truck, 11
Little Chicken’s Big Day, 22, 23
Little Mamá Forgets, 57
Little Mouse Gets Ready, 147
Little Night, 115
Little One Step, 22
Little Quack, 11
Little Rabbit’s New Baby, 22
Little White Rabbit, 22–23
Lizette’s Green Sock, 40
Ljungkvist, Laura, 82
Llama Llama Home with Mama, 39–40
Lloyd-Jones, Sally, 56
LMNO Peas, 23–24
Lobel, Anita, 20
London, Jonathan, 26
Look, Lenore, 56, 57, 66
Look at You! A Baby Body Book, 12
Looking Closely along the Shore, 135
Looking Like Me, 40
Loose Tooth, 147–48
Lord, Cynthia, 101
Lottie Paris Lives Here, 40
The Loud Book!, 44
Lucy and the Bully, 41
Lunde, Darrin, 131
Lyon, George Ella, 43, 124, 125
MacDonald, Margaret Read, 46
Mackall, Dandi Daley, 81
Madlenka Soccer Star, 102–3
Mahy, Margaret, 110
Maisy’s Book of Things That Go, 24
Makhijani, Pooja, 58
Mamá and Me, 57–58
Mama’s Saris, 58
Manushkin, Fran, 117–18
Many Ways: How Families Practice Their Beliefs and Religions, 58
Markle, Sandra, 131–32, 133
Marlow, Layn, 72
Martin, Bill, Jr., 28
Marzollo, Jean, 137
Masurel, Claire, 65–66
Max & Ruby’s Bedtime Book, 12
Max Spaniel: Dinosaur Hunt, 145, 146
May I Please Have a Cookie?, 148
Maybe a Bear Ate It!, 116
Mayo, Margaret, 9, 17
McClure, Nikki, 31, 32
McLeod, Bob, 118–19
McMullan, Kate, 115
McPhail, David, 77, 77–78, 144
McQuinn, Anna, 73–74
Miller, Heather Lynn, 94
Mine!, 24
Mirror, 90
Mittens, 148
Molly and Her Dad, 58–59
Mommy Hugs, 12
Monday Is One Day, 59
The Money We’ll Save, 59
Monsoon Afternoon, 91, 91
The Moon, 59
Moon Rabbit, 73
Morales, Yuyi, 115
Morris, Jennifer, 148
Mortensen, Denise Dowling, 136
Mortensen, Lori, 134
Mother Goose’s Little Treasures, 24
Mr. Duck Means Business, 73
Mr. Peek and the Misunderstanding at the Zoo, 83
Murray, Alison, 16
Museum Trip, 116
My Abuelita, 59–60
My Big Brother, 60
My Car, 12
My Father Is Taller Than a Tree, 60
My Father’s Shop, 91–92
My First Soccer Game, 12–13
My Friend Jamal, 73–74
My Friend Rabbit, 74
My Garden, 116
My Mei Mei, 60
My Name Is Yoon, 41
My Village: Rhymes from around the World, 92
Myers, Walter Dean, 40
Naiyomah, Wilson Kimeli, 85
Nakassis, Magda, 36
The Name Quilt, 61
National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Animals, 135–36
The Neighborhood Mother Goose, 25
Never Take a Shark to the Dentist (and Other Things Not to Do), 103
Neville, 74
New Clothes for New Year’s Day, 92
No, 25
No More Cookies!, 25
No One but You, 136
No Two Alike, 41, 42
Not Afraid of Dogs, 42
Not All Princesses Dress in Pink, 43
Nothing to Do, 103
Numeroff, Laura, 29–30, 67
Ocean’s Child, 92
O’Connor, Jane, 106
Oh, Daddy!, 13
Ohio Thunder, 136
Olaleye, Isaac, 86
Old Bear, 136
Old Bear and His Cub, 61
Older Than the Stars, 137
Olivia’s Opposites, 13
Once upon a Baby Brother, 61
1, 2, Buckle My Shoe, 16
One World, One Day, 93
Onyefulu, Ifeoma, 89
Opie, Iona, 24
Orange Pear Apple Bear, 43
Ormerod, Jan, 58–59
Oscar’s Half Birthday, 25–26
Otoshi, Kathryn, 49
Our Corner Grocery Store, 84
Our Grandparents: A Global Album, 61–62
Owen’s Marshmallow Chick, 13
Page, Robin, 138
Parnell, Peter, 51
Patricelli, Leslie, 11
Peanut and Pearl’s Picnic Adventure, 148
Pecan Pie Baby, 62, 63
Pedro’s Burro, 148–49
Peekaboo Morning, 13–14
Pelletier, Andrew T., 120
Pemba Sherpa, 93
Perfect Square, 116–17
Perkins, Lynne Rae, 62
Phelan, Matt, 37, 38
Pictures from Our Vacation, 62
Pierre the Penguin: A True Story, 137
Pig Kahuna, 103–4, 104
A Pig Parade Is a Terrible Idea, 104
Pigs Make Me Sneeze!, 149
¡Pío Peep! Traditional Spanish Nursery Rhymes, 26
Pirate Boy, 104–5
The Pirate of Kindergarten, 43
Pitzer, Susanna, 42
Pizza at Sally’s, 84
A Plane Goes Ka-Zoom!, 26
Planting Seeds, 14
Players in Pigtails, 105
Plecas, Jennifer, 105
Poindexter Makes a Friend, 74–75
Polacco, Patricia, 113
Polar Bear Night, 26
Pon, Cynthia, 36
Posada, Mia, 131
Pouch!, 75
Pow, Tom, 64
Press Here, 26
Pretend, 105
Priceman, Marjorie, 83
Princess Hyacinth (The Surprising Tale of a Girl Who Floated), 117
Princess K.I.M. and the Lie That Grew, 43–44
Puppy Mudge Wants to Play, 149
Push Button, 27
The Quiet Book, 44
Rabbit’s Gift, 75
Rain School, 93
Raschka, Chris, 8–9
Rattletrap Car, 105
Raven, Margot Theis, 53
Ravishankar, Anushka, 94
Ray, Jane, 111, 124
Ray, Mary Lyn, 118, 119
Rayner, Catherine, 69–70
Ready, Set, Skip!, 106
Ready for Anything!, 44
Recorvits, Helen, 41
Red Sings from Tr
eetops: A Year in Colors, 137
Red Truck, 27
Remkiewicz, Frank, 147
Reynolds, Peter H., 35
Richardson, Justin, 51
Rinker, Sherri Duskey, 82
Rissman, Rebecca, 108
Roadwork, 14
Roasted Peanuts, 75
Rocco, John, 53
Rockwell, Anne, 80
Rodman, Mary Ann, 64
Rodriguez, Edel, 106
Rohmann, Eric, 21, 74
Roller Coaster, 106
Root, Phyllis, 61, 105
Rosen, Michael J., 54
Rosenberg, Liz, 66
Rosenthal, Betsy R., 48
Rosoff, Meg, 38–39
Rotner, Shelley, 45
Rueda, Claudia, 25
Rumford, James, 93
Russell, Natalie, 73
Russo, Marisabina, 47
Rylant, Cynthia, 16, 31, 32, 149
Same Same, 14
The Sandman, 117
Sattler, Jennifer, 103–4, 104
Sauer, Tammi, 73
Savage, Stephen, 120
Saying Goodbye to Lulu, 44–45
Sayre, April Pulley, 138–39, 140
Scaredy Squirrel Makes a Friend, 76
Scat, Cat!, 149
Schaefer, Carole Lexa, 86, 99
Schaefer, Lola M., 134, 147–48
Schertle, Alice, 11
Schulevitz, Uri, 118
Schwartz, Amy, 29, 77
Schwartz, Joanne, 84
Sea Horse: The Shyest Fish in the Sea, 137–38
Seeger, Laura Vaccaro, 29, 70–71, 129–30, 130
Serafini, Frank, 135
Sergio Saves the Game!, 106
Shades of People, 45
Shannon, David, 35, 107
Shannon, George, 75
Shark vs. Train, 106
Shea, Bob, 13, 17–18
Sheth, Kashmira, 91, 91
The Shivers in the Fridge, 117–18
A Sick Day for Amos McGee, 76
Siddals, Mary McKenna, 127–28
Sidewalk Circus, 118
Sidman, Joyce, 137, 138
Silas’ Seven Grandparents, 62
Silverman, Erica, 100
Siminovich, Lorena, 69
Simms Taback’s City Animals, 14–15
Singer, Marilyn, 37, 96–97
Siomades, Lorianne, 39
Sís, Peter, 102–3
Sky Boys: How They Built the Empire State Building, 84
Slater, Dashka, 8
Sleepover at Gramma’s House, 63–64
Sleepy, Oh So Sleepy, 27
Small Saul, 45
Smith, Jeff, 147
Snow Is My Favorite and My Best, 64
So Sleepy Story, 118
Sometimes I’m Bombaloo, 45
Spinelli, Eileen, 48, 97
Spinelli, Jerry, 37
Spires, Ashley, 45
A Splendid Friend, Indeed, 76
Splish, Splash, 149–50
Spohn, Kate, 150
The Squeaky Door, 46
Stars, 118, 119
Stead, Philip C., 76
Stein, David Ezra, 75, 135
Stemple, Heidi E. Y., 43
Stevens, April, 35–36
Stevens, Janet, 113
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 59
Stewart, Melissa, 139
Stockdale, Susan, 129
Stott, Ann, 37, 38
Stretch, 27–28
Stryer, Andrea Stenn, 90
Subway Ride, 94
Sullivan, Sarah, 61